Friday, August 22, 2014

Tractor Storage Shed

I posted before about having Lowe's deliver block and sheds so we can organize and make room in the garage.  After completing the 1st small one near the tower gardens to hold the pots, fertilizers etc..., it was time to start on the first of the two larger sheds.  We chose a spot near the well house in front and then had to clear some small trees and shrubs and level the site.

The site before.  The well house and wood pile from previous owners.  We plan to eventually redo the well house. The shed is now where the trash cans were in this picture.  The palm and small tree to the left of it had to be cut way back

These are the sheds and block on the day they were delivered

Once this was done we began to lay the cement block base to give a secure footing to the shed floor and to raise it a bit to keep the interior dry in our heavy downpours.

Block pile ready to be used, and Kevin measuring out the base area.

Once he measured everything out we leveled and he began setting the blocks in place, as I restocked his supply of them and hauled off the materials we'd cleared for the green waste pickup

Kevin took the time to be sure all the block was absolutely level, so when he was all done we could set the shed's rubber base in place without having any problems because the foundation wasn't just right.

Once the block was all done and leveled, the rubber base of the shed was set in place.  Kevin put the windows into the shed doors and sides and then it was time to start putting the shed together.  Cameron came out to help with this.

The base came in two pieces that once laid down were secured together with screws

Base done

The windows for the door set in place
Side panels going up

Doors, back window and front panels are now in place.
Once all the sides were fitted together, the side roof panels were put on and finally the top piece.  These were all secured with the screws provided. We were now ready to pour the rock in the front to allow Kevin to drive the lawn tractor into the shed.

Roof panels added

Shed done

Kevin, then installed pegboard with hooks and shelves so he could hang garden tools.

The tool holders on either side of the shed.  There's also room in the back to add shelves and we'll do that later.

TA DA!!!!

All done!! It looks great, even if I do say so myself. And has already opened up a large area in the garage now that the tractor is out of it.  It was so hot during this project, that we had to do several changes of clothes and take A LOT of water breaks, to deal with the intense heat and humidity, but I think the effort was worth it.

The clearing has started for the last of the sheds we bought.  It's another one like this shed and will go up near the tower garden area.  I'll cover this in another post.

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